The Project: Change how our community deals with single use plastic!

How the project can be incorporated to meet curriculum requirements; 


Materials, objects, places and living things. Wider environment.

Global understanding of materials and how others live.

Water transportation, lifecycle, changing states of matter – reversible and irreversible

Micro-organisms, habitats, food chains, adaption and diet 

Geography / History

European mapping – physical

Continents, rivers and seas

Pollution and disposal of plastics

Materials over time and the  changes in materials


Using the internet safely & responsibly (Safer Internet Day)

CAD – Computer Aided Design

Blogging & Website publishing

Safe research online

Create information booklet


Letters – write to supermarkets

Newspaper/Internet reports

Explanation text

 Narrative – model good language and sentence structure

 Poetry – write a rap song

Persuasive argument – Radio interview

Drama – write/create a play to perform to the community


Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division (including fractions and decimals.)

 Measurement; Perimeter, area and volume.

Data handling – statistics- averages

Explore stats regarding plastics, recycling, pollution in water, compare countries, measure impact


Sculpture – exploring shape, texture & emotions

Create a sculpture with recycled plastic bottles

Promote facts and advice artistically for the community


Research, design & make recycled packaging

Resistant materials – measuring, cutting, joining, finishing, testing & evaluating

Invent, Create, Innovate new products for supermarkets


Experiment, Improvise and Compose music

Use voices expressively and creatively  singing, rhymes and chants.

Play and perform voice and instruments